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Discreet · Natural · Beautiful
Discreet · Natural · Beautiful

Wrinkle Treatment

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What is it for?

Botulinum toxin type A is a muscle-paralysing medication. When the medication is applied to the muscle, it relaxes for a period of time. This smoothes expression lines and prevents new ones from forming. Botulinum toxin has also been used for a long time to treat health complaints such as excessive sweating, depression, migraines, and teeth grinding.

What do I have to consider before treatment?

  • Blood thinners should not be taken until 1 week before the treatment (e.g. Aspirin, Marcoumar, Ibuprofen, etc.)

  • Avoid caffeine/tea and alcoholic drinks (e.g. cola, energy drinks, coffee, green tea, etc.) 24 hours before the treatment.

  • It is best not to put make-up on and be well nourished for the treatment

  • if you suffer from herpes, we recommend taking antivirals prophylactically (these can be purchased from us or prescribed by your GP)

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How does the treatment work?

  1. Photos are taken.

  2. Cleaning and disinfection of the skin.

  3. Marking of the injection points so that the product can be applied precisely.

  4. Botulinum toxin is injected.

  5. Careful cleaning of possible blood residue.

  6. A follow-up check after 10-14 days is recommended.

Risks and side effects

  • common: redness, swelling and haematoma (bruising), headache/feeling of tension
  • rare: asymmetries, activation of herpes
  • very rare: allergy or anaphylaxis, infections, ptosis, lowering of the eyebrows, impaired pronunciation
This information is incomplete (rare diseases are not listed) and is only for information purposes. If you have any medical issues, please contact your doctor.
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Age under 18, pregnancy/breastfeeding, flu, cold, acute skin diseases in the area to be treated (e.g., acne, herpes), intolerance/allergy to the products used (e.g., albumin), known anaphylaxis, known myasthenia gravis/myopathy or Lambert-Eaton syndrome, use of antibiotics of the aminoglycoside class (e.g., neomycin, gentamycin).

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And much more

Here, you can see our further treatments

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    Fillers are the best option if you want to replace lost volume or give the face a better contour.

  • Collagen booster

    A collagen booster improves the quality of the skin by stimulating its collagen production, making it thicker and firmer. Volume is also built up (face & body). You will look younger and radiant again.

  • PRP

    Platelet-rich plasma is produced naturally in the body. As a result, the skin becomes thicker and more radiant, and small wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes can disappear. Hair also grows denser and thicker.

  • Medium to deep chemical exfoliation

    Immerse yourself in a world of radiant skin with our medical peeling, specially developed to revitalise and rejuvenate your skin.

  • VIP

    We offer customised solutions for almost every request. Please contact us.

  • Fat dissolving injection

    This product dissolves fat cells. It can be used wherever you have a little too much fatty tissue, such as on the lower abdomen, thighs, upper arms, loins, double chin, armpits or knees.

  • Medical microneedling

    Microneedling uses tiny, precise pinpricks to stimulate your skin's natural regeneration. This leads to increased collagen and elastin production, improved skin texture, reduced fine lines and wrinkles, and a radiant complexion.

  • Medical mesotherapy

    From improving skin quality to treating hair loss, mesotherapy offers a comprehensive solution for your beauty needs.

  • Gift vouchers

    Would you like to pamper your loved ones and give them a treatment as a gift? Or you don't know which treatment would be ideal? You can buy value vouchers or treatment vouchers at Seesthetics. We try to fulfil every wish